When you're looking for treatments that can cost a few thousand dollars, payment plans can be comforting. These financing options divide that intimidating price into manageable monthly chunks. Some financing options require a credit check to qualify, while others don't. If you don't trust your credit score, you'll want to look for one that doesn't require them.
And while monthly payments are fine, they also allow interest to accrue, increasing your final cost. For this reason, it is best to pay upfront if you have financial flexibility. If your dental insurance includes orthodontic benefits, they'll likely cover part of your treatment with Invisalign. Of course, insurance coverage varies from case to case.
Sometimes, an insurer considers clear aligner treatment cosmetic and refuses to cover it. In other words, you shouldn't assume that Invisalign will be covered just because your dentist recommends that you check with your insurance provider first to make sure. If your insurance covers orthodontic treatment, treatment with Invisalign may be covered in part or in full. For more information, visit our guide on insurance coverage for Invisalign.
To find the best price for Invisalign, it helps to search for suppliers as if you were buying a new car. Providers know that the price of Invisalign is incredibly high and most patients cannot afford the full price in one sum. And you'll still have to pay the same price for dental exams, x-rays, lab fees, and appointments with your Invisalign dentist. But if your smile needs more than a little work, Invisalign is a reasonably priced alternative to traditional or lingual braces.
For some people, the peace of mind of knowing that they are talking face-to-face with a highly qualified professional is enough to justify the higher prices. Clear home aligners offer many benefits, including a lower price and a shorter treatment time than Invisalign. The best price for Invisalign came from a dentist in my local area, but I opted for the most expensive provider. There is no big difference in the cost of the material needed only for a series of upper trays compared to the upper and lower trays, so the price often turns out to be the same for treating only half of the teeth.
Prices may also vary depending on where you live and the involvement of your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign. In some cases, more experienced providers charge higher prices for orthodontic treatment, while inexperienced providers lower their prices to attract new customers. Although the price of Invisalign varies depending on the person's oral anatomy, you can generally expect the minimum financial investment to be at least a few thousand dollars (without dental insurance). As for other traditional aligners in the office (such as ClearCorrect), the price difference is mainly due to the fact that Invisalign has the brand recognition that others don't have, giving them room to charge a little more.
Before signing on the dotted line, make sure you understand why your provider charges Invisalign prices higher than those of the nearby competition.