Aligners should fit snugly to the teeth without large and noticeable gaps. To prevent problem areas from appearing, your orthodontist will give you a pair of small foam cylinders known as chewables. If your aligner doesn't fit properly, you'll usually see a space where the aligner doesn't fit flush with your teeth. Check the area to find the gap.
It should sit evenly on the teeth. The tips of your teeth (the edge that bites food) should sit evenly inside the aligner. If the aligner is higher or lower on one side than the other, or if there is a gap between the tooth and the aligner, chew a Movemint to push the aligner into place. Not only will you place your aligners in the correct position, but you will also get fresher breath.
You may need to chew a Movemint a couple of times a day until your new aligners fit better. It is quite common for orthodontists to recommend Invisalign refinements or mid-course corrections when teeth are not traced and the cause is not due to patient non-compliance. Invisalign uses powerful technology, including computer modeling and computer-aided manufacturing, to gradually and accurately align your teeth. Each Invisalign aligner is custom made to move teeth smoothly and safely to the correct alignment.
The best results from your Invisalign treatment are achieved when your teeth fit snugly into each aligner before moving on to the next. If using chews, using aligners correctly, or even going back to a previous set of aligners doesn't work, you may need to work with your dentist to review your Invisalign treatment plan and get some new aligners. To straighten your teeth, Invisalign uses a series of custom-made aligners designed to fit your teeth comfortably. If none of the above options work, your dentist may need to review your Invisalign treatment and buy you some new sets of aligners.
If your teeth don't fit into your new Invisalign tray set, you may want to call your dentist and ask them about “going back to your old aligner set. On the other hand, you can tell if your Invisalign is being tracked correctly if the trays align closely with the contour of your teeth. Invisalign First is a new treatment designed to treat a wide range of teeth straightening problems in growing children, from simple to complex, including crowding, spacing and narrow dental arches. You've invested a lot of time and energy into Invisalign, so maintaining your perfect smile is an important lifelong commitment once treatment is complete.
Vivera retainers maintain your new smile by keeping your teeth in place and preventing them from moving after treatment with Invisalign, braces or other clear aligners. Forgetting to do so can prevent you from progressing with treatment in a timely manner, and it's easy to lose track of wear time when you remove trays for eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, or when you clean your Invisalign aligners. By following the instructions provided in this blog, you should be able to determine if your Invisalign is following up correctly without having to see your provider. Although the software used to plan treatment with Invisalign is well advanced, each patient is different.