When you're looking for treatments that can cost a few thousand dollars, payment plans can be comforting. These financing options divide that intimidating price into manageable monthly chunks. Some financing options require a credit check to qualify, while others don't. If you don't trust your credit score, you'll want to look for one that doesn't require them.
And while monthly payments are fine, they also allow interest to accrue, increasing your final cost. For this reason, it is best to pay upfront if you have financial flexibility. If your dental insurance includes orthodontic benefits, they'll likely cover part of your treatment with Invisalign. Of course, insurance coverage varies from case to case.
Sometimes, an insurer considers clear aligner treatment cosmetic and refuses to cover it. In other words, you shouldn't assume that Invisalign will be covered just because your dentist recommends that you check with your insurance provider first to make sure. If your insurance covers orthodontic treatment, treatment with Invisalign may be covered in part or in full. For more information, visit our guide on insurance coverage for Invisalign.
For example, people who need mild teeth straightening can only use Invisalign for 12 months, so they pay for fewer trays, but people with heavily crooked teeth need Invisalign for 18 months and therefore pay for 18 months in trays. Compared to the horrible look of old-school braces, clear aligners look much better and users are willing to pay for the privilege. The Invisalign app has coverage information for most major insurance plans so you can see exactly what your plan will pay for. Monthly payment plans are optional, but they can help spread the price of Invisalign without relying on an insurance policy.
Most Invisalign providers offer monthly payment plans, but Invisalign does not standardize them. If your plan pays for adult orthodontic care, it may only do so to correct a medical or functional problem of the teeth or jaw. There is no down payment required for this monthly system, making it affordable for patients who do not have upfront cash available. With Clear Correct, the experience of straightening your teeth is very similar to that of Invisalign, but you generally pay less and aligner trays are made in the USA.
Department of Commerce, so it helps support local jobs and stimulate the economy. The finance company pays the cost of your treatment with Invisalign and you make monthly payments to the finance company. If you have a flexible savings account (FSA) through your employer, you can use those funds to pay for treatment with Invisalign. You'll probably have to pay the full cost of treatment if you just want braces to improve your appearance.
In the end, you'll have a much better idea of what you can expect from your treatment and how affordable Invisalign is. Because Invisalign providers choose what type of payment plans they offer, it's important to ask what is available before accepting treatment. While most companies that offer in-home aligners offer payment plans, your insurance plan may not cover treatment in the same way that Invisalign is covered. Before starting a new patient with Invisalign, dentists often pay a “lab fee” to Align Tech (the makers of Invisalign).